אני מניח שהאתגר הזה ישאר פה לפחות ליומיים שלושה, אז קחו את הזמן
ואם לא הספקתם לפתור את הימים הקודמים – לא חובה, אבל לכו על זה! אלו תרגילים נחמדים מאוד שישפרו את היכולות שלכם מאוד.
אז קדימה, פרסמו פה את הפתרונות שלכם ליום הרביעי של Advent of Code!
def is_optional_password(numbers):
couple = False
for i in range(len(numbers) - 1):
first , second = int(numbers[i]), int(numbers[i + 1])
if first > second:
return False
elif first == second:
couple = True
return couple
def get_optional_paddword(x=125730, y=579381):
counter = 0
for number in range(x, y):
if is_optional_password(list(str(number))):
counter += 1
return counter
חלק 2 - ההבדל הוא רק בשורת התנאי
def is_optional_password(numbers):
couple = False
for i in range(len(numbers) - 1):
first , second = int(numbers[i]), int(numbers[i + 1])
if first > second:
return False
elif first == second and numbers.count(str(first)) == 2:
couple = True
return couple
def get_optional_paddword(x=125730, y=579381):
counter = 0
for number in range(x, y):
if is_optional_password(list(str(number))):
counter += 1
return counter
3 לייקים
שני החלקים
import collections
PUZZLE_INPUT = '264360-746325'
def len_is_6(pw):
return len(str(pw)) == 6
def pw_has_doubles(pw):
pw = str(pw)
for i in range(1, len(pw)):
if pw[i] == pw[i - 1]:
return True
return False
def pw_has_doubles_v2(pw):
pw = str(pw)
cnt = collections.Counter(pw)
for char in pw:
if cnt[char] == 2:
return True
return False
def never_decreasing(pw):
pw = str(pw)
for i in range(1, len(pw)):
if pw[i] < pw[i - 1]:
return False
return True
def check_pw_validity(pw, v=1):
doubles = (pw_has_doubles, pw_has_doubles_v2)
functions = (len_is_6, doubles[v - 1], never_decreasing)
for func in functions:
if not func(pw):
return False
return True
def count_valid_passwords(min_num, max_num, v=1):
valid_passwords = 0
for pw in range(int(min_num), int(max_num) + 1):
if check_pw_validity(pw, v):
valid_passwords += 1
return valid_passwords
print('-' * 10)
print(count_valid_passwords(*PUZZLE_INPUT.split('-'), v=2))
2 לייקים
תרגיל כיפי - מעניין לאיפה החללית תגיע בסוף
Part 1 & 2
# day 4
# part 1 & 2
def check_if_digits_increase_and_1_same_number(number):
number = str(number)
digit = 1
ident = 0
while digit < len(number):
if int(number[digit - 1]) > int(number[digit]):
return False
if number[digit - 1] == number[digit]:
ident = 1
digit += 1
if ident == 1:
return True
return False
def check_if_digits_increase_and_1_same_number_part2(number):
number = str(number)
digit = 1
ident = {n: 0 for n in range(10)}
while digit < len(number):
if int(number[digit - 1]) > int(number[digit]):
return False
if number[digit - 1] == number[digit]:
ident[int(number[digit])] += 1
digit += 1
if 1 in ident.values():
return True
return False
def count_in_range(num1, num2):
counter = 0
for num in range(num1, num2 + 1):
if check_if_digits_increase_and_1_same_number(num):
counter += 1
return counter
def count_in_range2(num1, num2):
counter = 0
for num in range(num1, num2 + 1):
if check_if_digits_increase_and_1_same_number_part2(num):
counter += 1
return counter
print(f"answer part 1 : {count_in_range(272091, 815432)}")
print(f"answer part 2 : {count_in_range2(272091, 815432)}")
2 לייקים
תשובה - חלק 1
# range input 254032-789860
def check_if_duplicates(num):
set_of_digits = set()
for digit in str(num):
if digit in set_of_digits:
return True
return False
def is_valid_number(num):
current_max = 0
for digit in str(num):
if int(digit) < current_max:
return False
current_max = int(digit)
result = check_if_duplicates(num)
return result
def find_valid_passwords_count(range_from, range_to):
valid_pass = [num for num in range(range_from, range_to) if is_valid_number(num)]
return len(valid_pass)
print(find_valid_passwords_count(254032, 789860)) # part I - 1033
תשובה - חלק 2
# range input 254032-789860
def is_valid_pass(num):
result = False
for i in range(5):
x, y = (str(num)[i], str(num)[i+1])
if x == y and str(num).count(x) == 2:
result = True
return result
def is_valid_number(num):
current_max = 0
for digit in str(num):
if int(digit) < current_max:
return False
current_max = int(digit)
result = is_valid_pass(num)
return result
def find_valid_passwords_count(range_from, range_to):
counter = 0
for num in range(range_from, range_to + 1):
if is_valid_number(num):
counter += 1
return counter
print(find_valid_passwords_count(254032, 789860)) # part II - 670
לייק 1
תרגיל חדש יפורסם בבוקר יום שישי – מהרו להגיש! זה תרגיל לא קשה במיוחד ושווה לנסות אותו
תרגיל 1
# Day 4
def key_options():
return [
key for key in range(136818, 685980)
if is_bigger(list(str(key))) and is_got_couple(list(str(key)))
def is_bigger(digits):
next_num = 1
for num in range(len(digits) - 1):
if int(digits[num]) <= int(digits[next_num]):
next_num += 1
return False
return True
def is_got_couple(digits):
next_num = 1
for num in range(len(digits) - 1):
if int(digits[num]) == int(digits[next_num]):
return True
next_num += 1
return False
תרגיל 2
# Day 4
def key_options():
return [
key for key in range(136818, 685980)
if is_bigger(list(str(key))) and is_got_couple(list(str(key)))
def is_bigger(digits):
next_num = 1
for num in range(len(digits) - 1):
if int(digits[num]) <= int(digits[next_num]):
next_num += 1
return False
return True
def is_got_couple(digits):
next_num = 1
for num in range(len(digits) - 1):
if int(digits[num]) == int(digits[next_num]) and digits.count(digits[num]) == 2:
return True
next_num += 1
return False
לייק 1
Advent of Code, Day 4
# Advent of Code, Day 4
def calc_passwords_amount(min_val, max_val):
# Part 1
count = 0
for password in range(int(min_val), int(max_val) + 1):
if is_valid_part1(password):
count += 1
# Part 2
count = 0
for password in range(int(min_val), int(max_val) + 1):
if is_valid_part2(password):
count += 1
def is_valid_part1(password):
min_dig = 0
doubles = 0
i = 0
while i < 6:
digit = int(str(password)[i])
if digit < min_dig:
return False
if digit == min_dig:
doubles += 1
min_dig = digit
i += 1
if doubles >= 1:
return True
def is_valid_part2(password):
min_dig = 0
is_double = False
is_triple = False
digits_count = {num: 0 for num in range(10)}
i = 0
no_triples = True
while i < 6:
digit = int(str(password)[i])
if digit < min_dig:
return False
min_dig = digit
digits_count[digit] += 1
i += 1
for num in digits_count:
if digits_count.get(num) == 2:
is_double = True
if is_double:
return True
calc_passwords_amount('235741', '706948')
לייק 1
הפתרון שלי
def is_increase(i):
return sorted(i) == list(i)
def is_two_adjacents(i):
return any(i[j] == i[j-1] for j in range(1, len(i)))
def is_exactly_two_adjacents(i):
return any(i.count(j) == 2 for j in set(i))
# Part 1
inputs = map(str, range(272091, 815432))
matched_numbers = [i for i in inputs if is_increase(i) and is_two_adjacents(i)]
# Part 2
print(sum(map(is_exactly_two_adjacents, matched_numbers)))
8 לייקים
אחלה פתרון! אלגנטי מאוד. לא חשבתי על זה ש-any שימושי ביותר פה
2 לייקים
def find_how_many(begin,end):
for i in range(begin,end+1):
if good_pass(str(i)):
return c
def good_pass(password):
return sorted(password) == password and find_two_digits_part_two(password)
def find_two_digits_part_one(password):
for i in range(len(password)-1):
if password[i] == password[i+1]:
return True
return False
def find_two_digits_part_two(password):
for i in range(len(password)-1):
if password[i] == password[i+1]:
return 2 in a
לייק 1
def get_input(puzzle_input):
return list(map(int, puzzle_input.split('-')))
def check_criteria_first(num):
if len(str(num)) != 6:
return False
return check_streak_first(num)
def check_criteria_second(num):
str_num = str(num)
str_num_length = len(str_num)
if str_num_length != 6:
return False
success = False
for x in range(1, str_num_length):
if str_num[x] < str_num[x - 1]:
return False
return check_streak_second(num)
def check_streak_first(num):
str_num = str(num)
str_num_length = len(str_num)
success = False
for x in range(1, int(str_num_length)):
if str_num[x] < str_num[x - 1]:
return False
if str_num[x] == str_num[x - 1]:
success = True
return success
def check_streak_second(num):
str_num = str(num)
str_num_length = len(str_num)
matching = {}
streak = False
for x in range(str_num_length):
if str_num[x] == str_num[x - 1]:
if str_num[x] not in matching or not streak:
matching[str_num[x]] = 2
matching[str_num[x]] += 1
streak = True
streak = False
if 2 in matching.values():
return True
return False
def get_passwords(range_start, range_end, f):
iterable = range(range_start, range_end + 1)
return list(filter(f, iterable))
def main():
puzzle_input = '273025-767253'
range_start, range_end = get_input(puzzle_input)
# First Part
passwords = get_passwords_first(range_start, range_end, check_criteria_first)
# Second Part
passwords = get_passwords(range_start, range_end, check_criteria_second)