פתרון תרגיל 54 - פוקר


לצערי לא הספקתי להגיש את תרגיל 54 לבדיקה של הצוות (למזלי כלל לא הייתי צריך, אך עשיתי בשביל האתגר).
מצרף כאן קישור לקובץ התרגיל, אולי יעזור למי שניסה את התרגיל וטרם הצליח.

קישור ל-TexaxHoldem.ipynb

מדגיש - התרגיל יצא ארוך מאוד.
אשמח להתרשמותכם ואשמח לעזור ולענות על שאלות!


לייק 1

יופי של עבודה!
אני מאמין שהדרך להצליח בענק עוברת בתרגילים כאלו.
אחרי שמימשת תרגילים כמו CSV או פוקר, עם כל הכאב שנשאר באצבעות,
אפשר להתקדם הלאה ולבנות על זה חומר חדש כשהחומר הישן יושב מצוין.
תמשיך ככה ובהצלחה בהמשך :slight_smile:

3 לייקים

נצרף גם את שלי :slight_smile:

PICTURES = ('T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
SUIT_TYPES = ('C', 'D', 'H', 'S')
SUIT = 1

def parse_number(number):
    if number in PICTURES:
        parsed_number = PICTURES.index(number) + 10
        parsed_number = int(number)
    return parsed_number

def parse_card(card):
    parsed_number = parse_number(card[NUMBER])
    return parsed_number, card[SUIT]

def parse_hand(cards):
    i = 0
    new_cards = []
    while i < len(cards):
        parsed_card = parse_card(cards[i])
        i += 1
    return new_cards

def count_card_numbers(hand):
    times_each_number_appeared = [0] * 15
    i = 0
    while i < len(hand):
        number = hand[i][NUMBER]
        times_each_number_appeared[number] += 1
        i += 1
    times_each_number_appeared[1] = times_each_number_appeared[14]  # Ace
    return times_each_number_appeared

def count_suits(hand):
    suits_counter = [0] * 4
    i = 0
    while i < len(hand):
        suit = hand[i][SUIT]
        suit_index = SUIT_TYPES.index(suit)
        suits_counter[suit_index] += 1
        i += 1
    return suits_counter

def get_only_numbers(hand):
    i = 0
    numbers = []
    while i < len(hand):
        i += 1
    return numbers

def get_hand_as_kickers(hand):
    numbers = get_only_numbers(hand)
    return numbers[::-1]

def get_highest_x_of_kind(hand, x):
    times_each_number_appears = count_card_numbers(hand)
    # The highest cards are in the end, so we flip the list
    if x in times_each_number_appears:
        descending_number_count = times_each_number_appears[::-1]
        highest_x_of_kind = descending_number_count.index(x)
        real_card_value = 15 - highest_x_of_kind - 1
        return real_card_value
    return False

def find_flush_color(hand, flush_length):
    suit = 0  # 0 = C, 1 = D, 2 = H, 3 = S
    suits_counter = count_suits(hand)
    while suit < len(suits_counter) and suits_counter[suit] < flush_length:
        suit += 1
    if suit >= len(suits_counter):  # We've gone through all the options
        return False
    return suit

def filter_by_suit(hand, suit):
    if str(suit).isdigit():
        suit = SUIT_TYPES[suit]

    i = 0
    filtered = []
    while i < len(hand):
        if hand[i][SUIT] == suit:
        i += 1
    return filtered

def get_highest_of_suit(hand, suit, k):
    filtered = filter_by_suit(hand, suit)
    return filtered[-k:]

def get_flush(hand, flush_length):
    flush_color = find_flush_color(hand, flush_length)
    if flush_color == False:
        return False
    flush = get_highest_of_suit(hand, flush_color, flush_length)
    if len(flush) != flush_length:
        return False
    return flush

def get_straight(hand, straight_length):
    card_numbers = count_card_numbers(hand)
    i = len(card_numbers) - 1
    length_so_far = 1
    while 0 < i:
        if length_so_far == straight_length:
            return i + length_so_far - 1

        if card_numbers[i] > 0 and card_numbers[i - 1] > 0:
            length_so_far += 1
            length_so_far = 1
        i -= 1
    return False

def get_two_pairs(hand):
    pair = get_highest_x_of_kind(hand, 2)
    if not pair:
        return False

    hand2 = filter_out_number(hand, pair)
    another_pair = get_highest_x_of_kind(hand2, 2)
    if not another_pair:
        return False
    kicker = filter_out_number(hand2, another_pair)
    return pair, another_pair, kicker

def get_kickers(hand, numbers_to_filter):
    i = 0
    hand2 = hand.copy()
    while i < len(numbers_to_filter):
        hand2 = filter_out_number(hand2, numbers_to_filter[i])
        i += 1
    hand_numbers = get_only_numbers(hand2)
    return hand_numbers[::-1]  # Highest first

def filter_out_number(hand, number):
    i = 0
    new_hand = []
    while i < len(hand):
        if hand[i][NUMBER] != number:
        i += 1
    return new_hand

def get_hand_strength(hand):
    flush = get_flush(hand, NUMBER_OF_CARDS)
    straight = get_straight(hand, NUMBER_OF_CARDS)
    if flush and straight:
        return 8, straight

    four_of_a_kind = get_highest_x_of_kind(hand, 4)
    if four_of_a_kind:
        kicker = get_kickers(hand, [four_of_a_kind])
        return 7, four_of_a_kind, kicker

    three_of_a_kind = get_highest_x_of_kind(hand, 3)
    pair = get_highest_x_of_kind(hand, 2)
    if three_of_a_kind and pair:
        return 6, three_of_a_kind, pair

    if flush:
        return 5, get_hand_as_kickers(hand)
    if straight:
        return 4, straight
    if three_of_a_kind:
        return 3, three_of_a_kind, get_kickers(hand, [three_of_a_kind])

    two_pairs = get_two_pairs(hand)
    if two_pairs:
        kicker = get_kickers(hand, two_pairs)
        return 2, two_pairs[0], two_pairs[1], kicker
    if pair:
        kicker = get_kickers(hand, [pair])
        return 1, pair
    return 0, get_hand_as_kickers(hand)

def get_winning_hand(hand1, hand2):
    strength1 = get_hand_strength(hand1)
    strength2 = get_hand_strength(hand2)
    if strength1 > strength2:
        return 0
    elif strength1 < strength2:
        return 1
    return 2

def add_all_uniques(l, items):
    i = 0
    while i < len(items):
        if items[i] not in l:
        i += 1
    return items

def create_all_hands_combinations(hand, length):
    if len(hand) == length:
        return [hand]

    combinations = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(hand):
        rest_of_hand = hand[:i] + hand[i+1:]
        created = create_all_hands_combinations(rest_of_hand, length)
        add_all_uniques(combinations, created)
        i += 1
    return combinations

def get_best_of_hands(hands):
    if not hands:
        return []

    best_hand = hands[0]
    max_i = 0
    i = 1
    while i < len(hands):
        current_hand = hands[i]
        winning_hand = get_winning_hand(best_hand, current_hand)
        if winning_hand % 2 == 1:
            best_hand = current_hand
            max_i = i
        i += 1
    return (best_hand, max_i)

def create_best_hand(larger_hand, wanted_size):
    combinations = create_all_hands_combinations(larger_hand, wanted_size)
    i = 0
    parsed_combinations = []
    while i < len(combinations):
        i += 1
    return get_best_of_hands(parsed_combinations)[0]

def get_best_player(hands, public):
    i = 0
    new_hands = []
    while i < len(hands):
        actual_hand = create_best_hand(hands[i] + public, 5)
        i += 1
    return get_best_of_hands(new_hands)[1]

def test_strength(hand, expected_strength):
    parsed_hand = parse_hand(hand)
    strength = get_hand_strength(parsed_hand)
    assert strength == expected_strength, f"{hand}:\t{strength} != {expected_strength}"

test_strength(['TH', 'AH', 'QH', 'KH', '3S'], (0, [14, 13, 12, 10, 3]))
test_strength(['TH', 'TH', 'QH', 'KH', '3S'], (1, 10))
test_strength(['2H', 'QH', '2H', 'KH', '3S'], (1, 2))
test_strength(['2H', 'QH', '2S', 'QS', '3S'], (2, 12, 2, [3]))
test_strength(['QH', 'QC', '2H', 'QS', '3S'], (3, 12, [3, 2]))
test_strength(['AH', 'KS', 'QH', 'JH', 'TS'], (4, 14))
test_strength(['9H', 'KS', 'QH', 'JH', 'TS'], (4, 13))
test_strength(['9H', '5H', '3H', 'JH', 'TH'], (5, [11, 10, 9, 5, 3]))
test_strength(['9H', '9S', '9C', 'JH', 'JS'], (6, 9, 11))
test_strength(['9H', '9S', 'JC', 'JH', 'JS'], (6, 11, 9))
test_strength(['9H', 'JD', 'JC', 'JH', 'JS'], (7, 11, [9]))
test_strength(['AH', 'KH', 'QH', 'JH', 'TH'], (8, 14))
test_strength(['9H', 'KH', 'QH', 'JH', 'TH'], (8, 13))
print(create_best_hand(['2S', '9H', 'KH', '5S', 'QH', 'JH', 'TH'], 5))
print(get_best_player([['2S, 9H'], ['9H', 'KH'], ['5H', '6H'], ['7H', '4H']], ['QH', 'JH', 'TH', '8H']))
לייק 1
 CARDS = ['2', '3' , '4', '5' , '6', '7', '8' , '9' , '10', '11', '12' , '13', '14']
 SHAPES = ['C', 'D', 'H', 'S']
 # Translation - '10' = T, '11' = J, '12' = Q, '13' = K, '14' = A
 RESULTS = ['High card', 'Pair', 'Two pairs', 'Three of a kind', 'Straight', 'Flush', 'Full house', 'Four of a kind', 'Straight flush', 'Royal flush']
 # Returns a list of the cards from the highest one to the lowest - just the numbers
 def sorting(hand):
     index = 0
     final = []
     while index < len(hand):
         final += [int(hand[index][1:])]
         index += 1
     return final[::-1]
 # Returns if there is a straight
 def straight(hand_nums):
     index = 0
     counter = 0
     while index < len(hand_nums) - 1:
         if hand_nums[index] == hand_nums[index+1] + 1:
             counter += 1
             counter = 0
         index += 1
     if counter == 4 or counter == 3 and hand_nums[0] == 14 and hand_nums[-1] == 2:
         return True
         return False
 # Returns if there is a flush
 def flush(hand):
     index = 0
     while index < len(hand) - 1:
         if hand[index][0] == hand[index+1][0]:
             index += 1
             return False
     return True
 # Returns a list of - wheather there is a four of a kind, three of a kind and pairs
 def pairs(hand_nums):
     index = 0
     count = 0
     final = []
     while index < len(CARDS):
         count = hand_nums.count(int(CARDS[index]))
         if count == 4:
             return [7, int(CARDS[index])]
         if count == 3:
             final.insert(0, [3, int(CARDS[index])])
         if count == 2:
             final.append([2, int(CARDS[index])])
         index += 1
     return final
 # Returns the hand rate result
 def hand_rate(hand):
     return RESULTS[hand_rate_help(hand)[0]]
 # Returns an integer of the hand rate in order to equal it to another hand
 def hand_rate_help(hand):
     nums_sort = sorting(hand)
     straight_c = straight(nums_sort)
     flush_c = flush(hand)
     pairs_c = pairs(nums_sort)
     if straight_c and flush_c:
         if nums_sort[0] == 14:
             return [9]
         return [8, nums_sort[0]]
     if len(pairs_c) > 0:
         if pairs_c[0] == 7:
             return pairs_c
     if len(pairs_c) == 2:
         if pairs_c[0][0] == 3:
             return [6, pairs_c[0][1], pairs_c[1][1]]
     if flush_c:
         return [5, nums_sort[0]]
     if straight_c:
         if nums_sort[0] == 14 and nums_sort[-1] == 2:
             return [4, nums_sort[1]]
         return [4, nums_sort[0]]
     if len(pairs_c) == 1:
         if pairs_c[0][0] == 3:
             return [3, pairs_c[0][1]] + remove_from_hand(nums_sort, [pairs_c[0][1]])
         return [1, pairs_c[0][1]] + remove_from_hand(nums_sort, [pairs_c[0][1]])
     if len(pairs_c) == 2:
         return [2, pairs_c[1][1], pairs_c[0][1]] + remove_from_hand(nums_sort, [pairs_c[1][1], pairs_c[0][1]])
     return [0, nums_sort]
 # Removes from the hand the pairs and stuff like that in order to get the high cards
 def remove_from_hand(hand, removes):
     hand_c = hand.copy()
     index = 0
     while index < len(removes):
         while removes[index] in hand_c:
         index += 1
     return hand_c
 # Gets two hands and returns which hand wins
 def who_wins(hand1, hand2):
     hand1_result = hand_rate_help(hand1)
     hand2_result = hand_rate_help(hand2)
     if hand1_result < hand2_result:
         return hand2
     if hand1_result > hand2_result:
         return hand1
     return "Duece"
 # Gets a list of two cards of the player and the hand on the table and returns the best hand
 def best_hand(player_hand, hand):
     best = hand
     i = 0
     while i < len(hand):
         j = 0
         hand_c = hand.copy()
         hand_c[i] = player_hand[0]
         while j < len(hand):
             if who_wins(best, hand_c) == hand_c:
                 best = hand_c
             hand_c = hand.copy()
             hand_c[i] = player_hand[0]
             hand_c[j] = player_hand[1]
             j += 1
         if who_wins(best, hand_c) == hand_c:
             best = hand_c
         i += 1
     return best
 # Gets the players hands and the hand on the table and returns the index of the best player
 def best_handler(players_hands, hand):
     index = 0
     best_hands = []
     while index < len(players_hands):
         best = best_hand(players_hands[index], hand)
         best_hands += [best]
         index += 1
     index = 1
     winner = [[best_hands[0], 0]]
     while index < len(best_hands):
         res = who_wins(winner[0][0], best_hands[index])
         if res == "Duece":
             winner += [best_hands[index], index]
         elif res == best_hands[index]:
             winner = [[best_hands[index], index]]
         index += 1
     index = 0
     if len(winner) == 1:
         return winner[0][1]
     total = []
     while index < len(winner):
         total += winner[index][1]
         index += 1
     return total
לייק 1

וואי זה כזה ארוך ! מקווה שיהיה לי זמן להגיע לזה

2 לייקים

שאלוהים יעזור איזה אורך X:
מקווה שגם לי יתפנה זמן לפתור את זה :upside_down_face:

3 לייקים

מוסיף גם את שלי אם למישהו יש כוח לקרוא ולהעיר.
מודה שזה היה אחד התרגילים המהנים.

def score_hand(hand):  # Prints score based on the hand rating
    rating = rate_hand(hand)
    if rating.startswith('9'):
        print('Royal Flush')
    elif rating.startswith('8'):
        print(f'Straight Flush kicker: {rating[1]}')
    elif rating.startswith('7'):
        print(f'Four of a kind: {rating[1]}')
    elif rating.startswith('6'):
        print(f'Full House: {rating[1]} over {rating[2]}')
    elif rating.startswith('5'):
        print(f'Flush kicker: {rating[1]}')
    elif rating == '45':
        print('Straight 5 high')
    elif rating.startswith('4'):
        print(f'Straight {rating[1]} high')
    elif rating.startswith('3'):
        print(f'Three of a kind: {rating[1]}')
    elif rating.startswith('2'):
        print(f'Two pairs: {rating[1]} over {rating[2]} kicker: {rating[3]}')
    elif rating.startswith('1'):
        print(f'Pair of {rating[1]} kicker: {rating[2]}')
    elif rating.startswith('0'):
        print(f'High card: {rating[1]}')

def rate_hand(hand):  # Rates hand
    if is_flush(hand) and is_straight(hand):
        if hand[0].isalpha() and hand[1].isalpha() and hand[2].isalpha() and hand[3].isalpha() and hand[4].isalpha():
            return '9'
        return f'8{kicker(hand)}'
    if four_of(hand) != None:
        return f'7{four_of(hand)}'
    if type(full_house(hand)) == tuple:
        rank = full_house(hand)
        return f'6{rank[0]}{rank[1]}'
    if is_flush(hand):
        return f'5{kicker(hand)}'
    if is_straight(hand):
        return f'4{kicker(hand)}'
    if is_short_straight(hand):
        return '45'
    if three_of(hand) != None:
        return f'3{three_of(hand)}'
    if two_pairs(hand) != None:
        rank = two_pairs(hand)
        return f'2{rank[0]}{rank[1]}{rank[2]}'
    if pair(hand) != None:
        rank = pair(hand)
        return f'1{rank[0]}{rank[1]}'
    return f'0{kicker(hand)}'

def convert_hand(hand):  # Converts hand to sortable form
    temp = hand.copy()
    i = 0
    while i < len(temp):
        if temp[i][0] == 'T':
            temp[i] = 10
        elif temp[i][0] == 'J':
            temp[i] = 11
        elif temp[i][0] == 'Q':
            temp[i] = 12
        elif temp[i][0] == 'K':
            temp[i] = 13
        elif temp[i][0] == 'A':
            temp[i] = 14
            temp[i] = int(temp[i][0])
        i += 1
    return temp

def revert_hand(hand):  # Reverts hand to original card values
    temp = hand.copy()
    i = 0
    while i < len(temp):
        if temp[i] == 10:
            temp[i] = 'T'
        elif temp[i] == 11:
            temp[i] = 'J'
        elif temp[i] == 12:
            temp[i] = 'Q'
        elif temp[i] == 13:
            temp[i] = 'K'
        elif temp[i] == 14:
            temp[i] = 'A'
            temp[i] = str(temp[i])
        i += 1
    return temp

def sort_hand(hand):  # Sorts hand
    temp = convert_hand(hand)
    temp = [temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4]]
    return temp

def four_of(hand):  # Checks for four of a kind
    temp = revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))
    if temp[0] == temp[1] == temp[2] == temp[3] or temp[1] == temp[2] == temp[3] == temp[4]:
        return temp[1]

def full_house(hand):  # Checks for full house and returns values in order
    temp = revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))
    if temp[0] == temp[1] == temp[2] and temp[3] == temp[4]:
        return temp[0], temp[3]
    if temp[0] == temp[1] and temp[2] == temp[3] == temp[4]:
        return temp[2], temp[0]

def is_flush(hand):  # Checks fo flush
    return hand[0][1] == hand[1][1] == hand[2][1] == hand[3][1] == hand[4][1]

def is_straight(hand):  # Checks for straight
    temp = sort_hand(hand)
    if temp[0] + 1 == temp[1] and temp[1] + 1 == temp[2] and temp[2] + 1 == temp[3] and temp[3] + 1 == temp[4]:
        return True
    return False

def is_short_straight(hand):  # Checks if the hand is a straight starting with an ace as value of 1
    temp = sort_hand(hand)
    if temp[0] == 2 and temp[1] == 3 and temp[2] == 4 and temp[3] == 5 and temp[4] == 14:
        return True
    return False

def three_of(hand):  # Checks for three of a kind
    temp = revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))
    if not four_of(hand) and not full_house(hand):
        if temp[0] == temp[1] == temp[2] or temp[1] == temp[2] == temp[3] or temp[2] == temp[3] == temp[4]:
            return temp[2]

def two_pairs(hand):  # Checks for two pairs and returns them in order with kicker
    temp = revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))
    if not four_of(hand) and not full_house(hand) and not three_of(hand):
        if temp[0] == temp[1] and temp[2] == temp[3]:
            return temp[2], temp[0], temp[4]
        if temp[0] == temp[1] and temp[3] == temp[4]:
            return temp[3], temp[0], temp[2]
        if temp[1] == temp[2] and temp[3] == temp[4]:
            return temp[3], temp[1], temp[0]

def pair(hand):  # Checks for a pair and returns with kicker
    temp = revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))
    if not four_of(hand) and not full_house(hand) and not three_of(hand) and not two_pairs(hand):
        if temp[0] == temp[1] or temp[1] == temp[2]:
            return temp[1], temp[-1]
        if temp[2] == temp[3]:
            return temp[2], temp[-1]
        if temp[3] == temp[4]:
            return temp[3], temp[2]

def kicker(hand):  # Finds the hand's kicker (high card)
    return revert_hand(sort_hand(hand))[-1]

def fix_rating(rating):  # "Fixes" rating to comparables values
    return int(rating.replace('T', '10').replace('J', '11').replace('Q', '12').replace('K', '13').replace('A', '14'))

def seperate_rating(rating):  # Returns rating in list form for comparison
    temp = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(rating):
        i += 1
    return temp

def compare_hands(hand0, hand1):  # Compares two hands and returns winner
    temp0 = seperate_rating(rate_hand(hand0))
    temp1 = seperate_rating(rate_hand(hand1))
    i = 0
    while i < len(temp0) and i < len(temp1):
        if temp0[i] > temp1[i]:
            return hand0
        if temp0[i] < temp1[i]:
            return hand1
        i += 1

def find_winner(l):  # Finds winner from a list of hands
    best_hand = l[0]
    i = 0
    while i < len(l):
        temp_hand = compare_hands(l[i], best_hand)
        if temp_hand != None:
            best_hand = temp_hand
        i += 1
    return best_hand

def find_best_hand(hand):  # Finds best combinations of 5 cards out of 7
    combos = [
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[4]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[5]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[4], hand[5]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[4], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[2], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[3], hand[4], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[3], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[1], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[2], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5]],
    [hand[0], hand[2], hand[3], hand[4], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[2], hand[3], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[2], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[0], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5]],
    [hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[4], hand[6]],
    [hand[1], hand[2], hand[3], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[1], hand[2], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[1], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]],
    [hand[2], hand[3], hand[4], hand[5], hand[6]]
    best_hand = combos[0]
    best_rating = seperate_rating(rate_hand(best_hand))
    i = 0
    while i < len(combos):
        temp_rating = seperate_rating(rate_hand(combos[i]))
        if temp_rating > best_rating:
            best_hand = combos[i]
            best_rating = temp_rating
        i += 1
    return best_hand

def texas_holdem(players, board):  # Finds winner from list of players in a game of texas holdem
    hands = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(players):
        hands.append(find_best_hand(players[i] + board))
        i += 1
    return players[hands.index(find_winner(hands))]
לייק 1