בטח שלא, היית מעיף עליהם סטינגר
ללא ספק ההוראות מתישות, אבל אתגר מגניב!
אני מקווה שאני אמצא לטרמינולוגיה הזו שימוש בהמשך
# ADVENT OF CODE, DAY 2, Puzzle 1,2
def get_intcode():
with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
intcode = file.read().split(',')
intcode = intcode_items_to_int(intcode)
return intcode
def restore_gravity(intcode, noun, verb):
intcode[1] = noun
intcode[2] = verb
return intcode
def intcode_items_to_int(intcode):
for i, num in enumerate(intcode):
intcode[i] = int(intcode[i])
return intcode
def run_intcode(verb, noun):
intcode = get_intcode()
intcode = restore_gravity(intcode, verb, noun)
for i in range(0, len(intcode), 4):
num1, num2 = intcode[intcode[i + 1]], intcode[intcode[i + 2]]
if intcode[i] == 1:
intcode[intcode[i + 3]] = num1 + num2
if intcode[i] == 2:
intcode[intcode[i + 3]] = num1 * num2
if intcode[i] == 99:
return intcode
def find_correct_parameters(output):
intcode = get_intcode()
for verb in range(0, 100):
for noun in range(0, 100):
intcode = run_intcode(verb, noun)
if intcode[0] == output:
return verb, noun
print(run_intcode(20, 3))
מיותר לציין שהאתגרים האלו כיפיים ותרגול מצויין! רק ההוראות היו מתישות
נראה מעולה ! שים לב לבעיה קטנה והיא שהקוד שלך רץ מ 0 עד 98 ולא עד 99 כמו שנדרש בתרגיל
צודק! תוקן.
אל יתהלל חוגר כמפתח (בפייתון?)
חלק 2 כמעט חיסל לי את המוח , מסקנה: לא לקבל הנחיות משדונים
חלק 1
import operator
def get_intcode_program(intcode):
with open(intcode, "r") as intcode_program:
intcode_program_read = intcode_program.read()
return intcode_program_read.split(",")
def alter_to_1202_program_alarm(intcode):
my_intcode_program_1202 = get_intcode_program(intcode)
my_intcode_program_1202[1] = 12
my_intcode_program_1202[2] = 2
return my_intcode_program_1202
def opcode(code, a, b):
if code == 1:
return operator.add(a, b)
elif code == 2:
return operator.mul(a, b)
def run_program(intcode):
my_intcode_program = alter_to_1202_program_alarm(intcode)
for position in range(len(my_intcode_program) // 4):
operation = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4])
if operation == 99:
return my_intcode_program[0]
first_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 1])
second_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 2])
third_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 3])
my_intcode_program[third_pos] = opcode(operation, int(my_intcode_program[first_pos]), int(my_intcode_program[second_pos]))
return my_intcode_program[0]
חלק 2
import operator
def get_intcode_program(intcode):
with open(intcode, "r") as intcode_program:
intcode_program_read = intcode_program.read()
return intcode_program_read.split(",")
def alter_to_1202_program_alarm(intcode, noun, verb):
my_intcode_program_1202 = get_intcode_program(intcode)
my_intcode_program_1202[1] = noun
my_intcode_program_1202[2] = verb
return my_intcode_program_1202
def opcode(code, a, b):
if code == 1:
return operator.add(a, b)
elif code == 2:
return operator.mul(a, b)
def run_program(intcode, noun, verb):
my_intcode_program = alter_to_1202_program_alarm(intcode, noun, verb)
for position in range(len(my_intcode_program) // 4):
operation = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4])
if operation == 99:
return my_intcode_program[0]
first_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 1])
second_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 2])
third_pos = int(my_intcode_program[position * 4 + 3])
my_intcode_program[third_pos] = opcode(operation, int(my_intcode_program[first_pos]), int(my_intcode_program[second_pos]))
return my_intcode_program[0]
def noun_verb_possibilities(intcode):
for noun in range(100):
for verb in range(100):
if run_program(intcode, noun, verb) == 19690720:
return 100 * noun + verb
def intcode_input(path, changeforindex1, changeforindex2):
with open(path, "r") as f:
codes = f.read().split(",")
list_of_codes = []
for char in codes:
list_of_codes[1] = changeforindex1 # Position 1
list_of_codes[2] = changeforindex2 # Position 2
return list_of_codes
def split_input_to_lines(intcode):
for index, item in enumerate(intcode):
if not index % 4 and item == 99:
return intcode
if not index % 4 and item == 1:
intcode[intcode[index + 3]] = intcode[intcode[index + 1]] + intcode[intcode[index + 2]]
elif not index % 4 and item == 2:
intcode[intcode[index + 3]] = intcode[intcode[index + 1]] * intcode[intcode[index + 2]]
return intcode
def all_intcode_combinations(path):
for i in range(100):
for j in range(100):
result = split_input_to_lines(intcode_input(path, i, j))
if result[0] == 19690720:
return i * 100 + j
print(split_input_to_lines(intcode_input("save-santa-day2.txt", 12, 2))) # Part 1
print(all_intcode_combinations("save-santa-day2.txt")) # Part 2
def intcode_computer(opcode):
temp_opcode = opcode.copy()
index = 0
state = temp_opcode[index]
while state != 99:
input_1 = temp_opcode[index + 1]
input_2 = temp_opcode[index + 2]
output = temp_opcode[index + 3]
if state == 1:
temp_opcode[output] = temp_opcode[input_1] + temp_opcode[input_2]
elif state == 2:
temp_opcode[output] = temp_opcode[input_1] * temp_opcode[input_2]
index += 4
state = temp_opcode[index]
return temp_opcode
def find_inputs(opcode, wanted_output):
temp_opcode = opcode.copy()
for noun in range(100):
temp_opcode[1] = noun
for verb in range(100):
temp_opcode[2] = verb
output = intcode_computer(temp_opcode)[0]
if output == wanted_output:
return noun, verb
with open('resources/advent/Day 2.txt', 'r') as file_handler:
opcode = file_handler.read().split(',')
for i in opcode:
opcode[opcode.index(i)] = int(i)
find_inputs(opcode, 19690720)
טוף, אז הרשיתי לעצמי להשתמש בחומרים שלמדנו השבוע
from itertools import count
import operator
1: operator.add,
2: operator.mul,
def get_input():
with open('input.txt', 'r') as challenge_input:
return list(map(int, challenge_input.read().strip().split(',')))
def instructions_generator(program):
for i in count(0, OPCODE_SIZE):
if program[i] == 99:
yield program[i:i + OPCODE_SIZE]
def get_output(program, a = 0, b = 0):
program[1:3] = a, b
for opcode, src1, src2, dst in instructions_generator(program):
if any(len(program) <= param for param in (dst, src1, src2)):
return None
function = OPCODES_FUNCTIONS[opcode]
program[dst] = function(program[src1], program[src2])
return program[0]
# Part 1
program = get_input()
print(get_output(list(program), 12, 2))
# Part 2
MAX_GUESS = 1000
WANTED_OUTPUT = 19_690_720
noun * 100 + verb
for noun in range(MAX_GUESS) for verb in range(MAX_GUESS)
if get_output(list(program), noun, verb) == WANTED_OUTPUT
האם נפתח אתגר יום 3?
ניתן עוד לפחות יום (אולי יומיים) כדי לאפשר גם לשאר להצטרף
ים השתמשת בmap ! כנראה שתצטרך להגיש תרגיל השלמה
אלו חוקי הפורמט
מותררררר זה ב־builtins :@
מחר נפרסם את אתגר יום 3 – היכונו!
def calc(lst):
i = 0
flag = True
while i < len(lst) and flag:
item = lst[i]
if item == 1:
position_of_num1 = lst[i+1]
position_of_num2 = lst[i+2]
postion_of_result = lst[i+3]
lst[postion_of_result] = lst[position_of_num1] + lst[position_of_num2]
i = i + 4
elif item == 2:
position_of_num1 = lst[i+1]
position_of_num2 = lst[i+2]
postion_of_result = lst[i+3]
lst[postion_of_result] = lst[position_of_num1] * lst[position_of_num2]
i = i + 4
elif item == 99:
flag = False
return lst
חלקים 1 ו 2 ביחד:
def get_input(path):
with open(path, 'r') as puzzle_input:
temp_input = puzzle_input.read().split(',')
return [int(x) for x in temp_input]
def make_program(puzzle_input, op_dict):
op_code = 0
i = 0
while i < len(puzzle_input) - 4 and puzzle_input[i] != 99:
op_code = puzzle_input[i]
puzzle_input = handle_op_code(op_code, i, puzzle_input, op_dict)
i += 4
if puzzle_input == -1:
return -1
return puzzle_input
def handle_op_code(op_code, op_code_idx, puzzle_input, op_dict):
op = get_operation(op_code)
if op == 99:
return puzzle_input
elif op == -1:
return puzzle_input
if (puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 1] < len(puzzle_input)
and puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 2] < len(puzzle_input)
and puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 3] < len(puzzle_input)):
first_input_idx = puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 1]
second_input_idx = puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 2]
output_idx = puzzle_input[op_code_idx + 3]
puzzle_input[output_idx] = op_dict.get(op)(puzzle_input[first_input_idx], puzzle_input[second_input_idx])
return puzzle_input
return -1
def get_operation(op_code):
if op_code == 1:
return '+'
elif op_code == 2:
return '*'
elif op_code == 99:
return 99
return -1
def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2
def multiply(num1, num2):
return num1 * num2
def part_one(puzzle_input, op_dict, noun=12, verb=2):
puzzle_input[1] = noun
puzzle_input[2] = verb
program = make_program(puzzle_input, op_dict)
if program != -1:
return program[0]
def part_two(puzzle_input, op_dict, num_at_pos_zero):
noun = 0
verb = 0
for noun in range(100):
for verb in range(100):
if part_one(puzzle_input.copy(), op_dict, noun, verb) == num_at_pos_zero:
return 100 * noun + verb
return -1
def main():
puzzle_input = get_input('resources/input2a.txt')
op_dict = op_dict = {'+': add, '*': multiply}
part_one_result = part_one(puzzle_input.copy(), op_dict)
print(f'Part one result: {part_one_result}')
part_two_result = part_two(puzzle_input.copy(), op_dict, num_at_pos_zero=19690720)
print(f'Part two result: {part_two_result}')
חלק 2 משום מה נתקע על משהו אינסופי ולא מפסיק לרוץ
בדרך כלל קל למצוא איפה יש לולאה אינסופית באמצעות הדפסות בכל מני מקומות בקוד. אם לא תמצאי את יכולה לשלוח פה, לקבל פידבק (ממני או מאחרים) ולערוך לפיו.